How To Easily Fix Leaky Roof

What to do if your roof is leaking when it rains, to fix a leaking roof is not really that difficult if you know how. Facing the coming rainy season, one of the most important things is to make sure that there is no leak on the roof of your house. The roof is one of the most important parts in a residential building. For that, when there is a leak or damage to the roof of your home, of course your comfort and family to be disturbed. That’s why we’re here to try to help you a little to overcome the leaking roof of the house, so that when your family complains about a leaking roof, you can be relied upon. If you want to have a place to stay and cheap, good and quality dwelling visit cheap housing apartments via perumnas.

Before we step on the way to fix a leaking roof, we should know first how to take care of our roof. Maintenance is better than repair. For home roof treatment, then we should do the checking at least within 3 months. What we should do in checking this roof routine include:

Clean the roof of sand and moss deposits that can trigger cracks in the roof. Also clean the gutter of water from other garbage and dirt, so the flow of water when it rains is not clogged.

Check the tile position. If there is a tile that is down or shifted, then as soon as you can reconcile as the original position.

Make sure that the roof slope of your home is appropriate. Ceramic tile requires a 30 degree angle of tilt, while asbestos takes about 15 degrees. If this thing you do not pay attention to, rain and wind, may enter through the gap of the tile. The cracked tile, should be replaced immediately.

Check also the construction, whether the condition is still sturdy safe and has not changed.

If you can not do it yourself, you can pay people to do it.

The first step to overcome the leaking roof is to find the source of the leak. This is a job that is not as easy as imagined. Sometimes where drops of water droplets on the floor do not necessarily indicate where the source of the leak is located. There is no saying “where the water droplets are, on top of which there is a source of leakage”. Sometimes water entering through a cracked or sliding tile slit does not fall directly to the floor, but flows first along the ceiling or battens looking for opportunities, where there are holes to drip onto the floor. So it could be the source of the leak is 2 meters from the location of the occurrence of water droplets to the floor.

Look for sources of leaks during the day. Climb into the attic of your home with lighting. Be careful of the open cable connections. It’s good you turn off the power in your home by turning off the fuse as long as you fix your leaky roof. Trace the traces of the water course until you find the source of the leak.

Fixing leaks in concrete roofs, or due to hair cracks, can be done with wire gauze and waterproof. But the larger part of the crack must be perforated and then plastered again.

Overcoming leaks in concrete roofs can also by plastering / coating the part that we suspect as a source of leakage with cement. How:

  • We go up to the roof, give the hole as deep as about 2 cm on the crack of the leakage source.
  • Clean and moisten in the area, then apply concrete glue along the surface.
  • After half dry, fill the cracked crack with a new cement mixture.

If the source of the leak is the existence of a shifting tile, then put it back as it should. If because there is a broken roof, then replace it with a new tile.

Do not forget to fix the damaged ceiling due to leaking water. Do not leave the ceiling moist, because it can lead to more fatal damage, such as the collapse of the ceiling,

To reduce heat absorption and reduce damage due to rainwater, aluminum foil with a size of 1-2 mm can be used as a coating between the ceiling and roof tile.

If all the ways have been tried, but always fails, then there is one more unique way to deal with the leaking roof. Wear this way when you have given up in repairing the roof (especially roof concrete) that is leaking in your home. Leaked again and leaked again.

So basically you do not patch leaks, but you drain the flow of water leaked into a safe place, so as not to drip into the ceiling or wet the floor. How:

With proper care and routine, of course you no longer need to worry about leaky roof problems. When there is a leak, then immediately overcome, before your ceiling becomes damp and collapsed. So how to fix a leaking roof, hopefully this article helps and you do not have to worry about the coming rainy season.