Easy Ways to Clean the Air at Home to Always Clean and Fresh Every Day
Air pollution in big cities has always been a topic that is often discussed. However, did you know that indoor pollution is 2-5 times higher than outdoor?
This is influenced by several factors. According to The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, one of them is caused by cigarette smoke. Chemicals from cigarette smoke can stick to various angles and slopes in the house for years, the air quality in the house is poor. Healthy air is a very important requirement so that you can be free from all kinds of dangerous diseases.
In addition, various other things such as microbes, ventilation disturbances, trapped outside pollution also worsen the air quality in the house. Poor air quality can invite various diseases such as headaches, allergy symptoms, asthma, ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection), and many other diseases.
Did you know that the air you breathe every day is not necessarily 100% … Read more