Do you need activated charcoal for succulent glass terrarium?

If you are fond of growing succulents in closed terrariums then this article is for you. You must be aware that succulents thrive in high light intensity where there is low moisture. Succulent lovers mostly have every ingredient which is an absolute necessity to make a perfect terrarium. But this every ingredient does not count charcoal. You need to realize that charcoal is a vital element for a terrarium for several reasons. Charcoal is that magical ingredient that gets rid of odors and other toxins. Now a question must be popping inside your head that what if you don’t have charcoal? Well, you can still make a terrarium in that case but you will have to go the extra mile for ensuring the health of your plants. You will have to take any other steps in that case which will make sure that the environment inside the terrarium remains odor-free … Read more