Protect Whats Most Precious and Personal to You.
What’s the one item at home you’d hate to lose? It might be a family heirloom passed down through generations, something from your childhood, or a favourite item of jewellery.
Almost all of us have something we treasure, but when it comes to protecting our most precious and personal belongings, it turns out that in Ireland, we’re not as vigilant as we could be.
Liberty Insurance wanted to find out more around attitudes to home safety in Ireland and some research* they commissioned revealed some pretty surprising facts.
Nearly half of us (47{02e21beb59b1df31df52f01e04ea99c95a2ad51089caffe33918efe7878483f7}) don’t have a house alarm at all – with 1/5 of us relying on our neighbours and family to keep an eye out instead
A house with an alarm doesn’t mean it’s fully protected – a third of people with an alarm didn’t switch it on the last time they left the house.
As a nation, we’re … Read more