Factors to Consider While Selecting Your Residential Alarm & Home Security System

We all want what is best for our loved ones and our property and in respect to that most people will go to any lengths to keep their home and work safe. Some of them will even join a neighborhood watch group which is often quite hectic to keep up with while others rely on dogs. Even though these tactics work, their effectiveness cannot be incomparable to that of residential alarm systems. Most burglars will run at the first sign of an alarm, and even if they fail to, then you can still have peace of mind knowing that your system has alerted the relevant authority and neighbors.

In other words, integrating a residential alarm system on your homes gives you peace of mind as it acts like an extra layer of security that you can rely on always. However, choosing the right one can prove to be futile as more residential alarm companies continue to embrace the latest automation technologies and as more of them continue to flock the market. Knowing what features to consider while selecting a security system for your home or business will make the process a walk in the park which is why we did the research and came up with a list of factors to consider while purchasing a residential alarm system.


Everything is taking the digital path, and your home’s security system should not be the exception. Therefore, while choosing the right residential system ensure that you go one that is compatible with modern devices like your smartphone. This puts your home or any other property’s security at the palm of your hands as you can receive updates about any security breach directly on your phone. Additionally, installing such a system eliminates chances of downtime and ensures that your property has 24/7 surveillance as it is not affected by any power or internet outages. Thus, you no longer must worry about burglars interfering with your power system like most people with hardwired or analog security systems.


Another essential factor to consider is the type of control. Here you have two options, self, and central monitoring. The first option is where you get alerts directly to your phone if anyone breaks into your home. From there you have the choice of what to do next.
Central monitoring Is where your provider has a team of staff working round the clock to ensure your home is safe and respond to any alarms triggered from your home. Both have pros and cons. For instance, in self-monitoring, you can either call the police or pull the plug on false alarms. Nonetheless, the case might be different if you happen to be in a meeting or when you fail to hear the notifications. On the other hand, in central monitoring, you don’t need to worry about anything because there is someone taking care of your home 24/7, but it comes with extra monthly costs. Therefore, consider the two options carefully and go for one that suits your situation.

Access Control Features

The best security system should not only protect you from crime it should also put your loved ones safe. In respect to that if you have areas that are somewhat sensitive or not safe for other members of your family consider an alarm system that has access control. Such a system will alert you whenever anyone say for instance a child goes into the unsafe areas helping you keep them safe from the dangers posed by such areas. This can also come in handy for your business premise as it allows you to keep employees away from areas of sensitive equipment or information.


We live in a dynamic era where things change with each wake. In respect to that don’t go for a system that cannot be altered with in future. Ensure that the one you opt for can keep up with technological changes whenever the need arises. For instance, the system you put in place should be adaptable to changes such as night vision technology or any other feature that you might want to add in future.

Smart Deterrence

The best alarm system is one that is intimidating to the burglars. Installing a security system might not be a big deal to burglars, but a residential alarm system cedar rapids IA that has smart deterrent features such as outdoor and entryway security cameras tends to be intimidating hence keeping them away. Ensure that you have such cameras installed on entryways as it not only helps keep them away but also makes them easy to spot even before they can gain entry.


When it comes to setup, you can either go for a DIY residential alarm system or one that is done professionally by the provider. Both pack their perks and the decision narrows down to you. However, it is more advisable to opt for professional installation as experts do it and there are no chances of anything going wrong. Also, you have somewhere to turn to in case something goes wrong unlike when you decide to tackle the task yourself.

Other Factors to Consider

– Maintenance costs
– Contract
– Features such as smoke detectors, water sensors, and HVAC Control
– The number of doors and windows that you need to be secured

Final Thoughts

Don’t just go for a residential alarm system go for one that fully automates your home and offers you peace of mind knowing that your loved ones are well protected. You’ve already put up your time and money into your home, and as such, it is essential that you keep it safe all round the clock by installing a system that boasts world-class security and by considering the factors above you’ll be able to achieve that.