What To Do When Water Damage Strikes
Flood damage can be extensive. How you respond in the first 24 hours is vital in minimizing how much water damage you experience. If you’re not sure how you should proceed, use these three steps as a guide for what to do when water damage strikes.
Document the Damage
Before you can hire a specialist in water damage repair Parma, you must call your insurance provider. In fact, it’s the very first thing you should do. Most providers need photographic evidence and a detailed inventory of the damage incurred before they can process your claim. Remember to include structural issues, such as floors peeling away or cracks in the walls. If you can, take photos of the source of the flood, even if it didn’t originate in your home.
Remove as Much Water as Possible
If your insurer gives you the okay to do so, start clearing water out immediately. The goal is to remove as much water from the floor as possible. This reduces the risk of mold and mildew forming. If you have a sump pump, you can remove a lot of water quickly. If you are bailing it out with a bucket, remember to be careful when lifting heavy loads.
Clear Up Safely
While clean-up efforts are more successful the sooner you start, you must make the area safe first. Turn off all electricals at the mains, but only attempt this yourself if it’s safe to do so; never go near exposed wires or wade through water that potentially has live electricals below the surface. If in doubt, call an electrician. The water itself may be contaminated with sewage or household chemicals. Wear rubber gloves and rubber boots at all times.
The key to minimizing water damage is to act fast and act smart. These three steps are vital to getting a head start on your water damage restoration.